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Westminster Intl Scholarships for Developing Countries

University of Westminster
Masters (MS) Degree

Deadline: 31 May/1 Nov (annual)
Study in: UK
Next course starts Sept 2013

Brief ing:

Westminster International Scholarships are fully funded awards aimed at students from rising countries who wish to study a full-time Masters degree at the University.

Host Institution(s):

University of Westminster, United Kingdom

Field of study:

Any field of study under a Master’s Programme at University of Westminster.

Number of Awards:

Not specified.

Target group:

Citizens of rising countries

Scholarship value/inclusions:

Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.


You must be an international student from a rising country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree at University of Westminster.

Scholarship Criteria:

The main criteria are: academic excellence, development potential, and financial need. Particular preference will be given to you if you can exhibit how the knowledge you acquire from your studies will aid the development of your own country.

Appliance instructions:

Please do not apply if you have not been admitted to a programme offered at the University of Westminster. You ought to have been offered a place (conditional or unconditional) on a course at the University before you can apply for this scholarship.

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2013 for September 2013 intake and 1 November 2013 for January 2014 intake.

It is crucial to visit the authorized website (link found below) for detailed sequence on how to apply for this scholarship.


Approved Scholarship Website:

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 13:27


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