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20 Ways To earn Money on Facebook

Generating profits online is probably easier than generating it offline, for an
entrepreneur. The goal for this is that the startup expenses have been
significantly reduce and the World Wide Web (WWW) is much added egalitarian than real life. If you were an entrepreneur trying to acquire an advertising contract with a key company in real life, your odds would be slim to none.

On the Internet, however, advertisers are relying on the common Joe to plug their products and services. The same is true if you have a product that you've developed and are trying to market in local retail stores,the time and money you have to put in to get it into a single store can eat up any profits you might get from the sale. It's a lot of work and you haven't even begun to generate income.

The Internet makes that process easier too by allowing you several avenues to sell your wares online simply by placing photos and descriptions of them on the Internet in the exact areas. Here are 20 plain ways you can Make money on facebook

1. Advertise Your Own Products
If you decide to market a product or service, be sure it is something you stand by and that it resonates with you personally. First, and foremost, Facebook is a social networking platform. If you are promoting products that don't appear to resonate with your profile or your mission in life, people will quickly spot you as a marketer and you will not induce many people wanting to be your friends. The key is to always market products that you believe in and that a difference in other people's lives. That way, when they see who
is selling an item, it won't cogitate badly on you and your Facebook profile.
On the Internet you can market your own products at a fraction of the cost it would take to promote them physically from one retail store or outlet to another. Examples of products that do very well on the Internet are virtual products like reports, ebooks, music downloads, photographic content, and anything that you can sell in electronic format that might appeal to som eone viewing it online. These products are habitually referred to as “info-products.” The nice thing about info-products is that they lend themselves very well to low overhead costs. You can produce one product and it takes no effort to create m ultiple copies and have them delivered robotically through
autoresponders. Your sales cycle is ver y short and your costs are minimal.
You can also market physical products that you deliver in your geographical area or through postal mail. Of course, this takes a lot more effort and you would have to include shipping costs to the price of your product to be able to make a profit. You can even choose to offer your products in several different formats. For illustration, maybe some people want the electronic download and others want a physical book.You can offer them a variety of
different formats and pricing to find one to suits them. Multilevel marketing can also be done on the Internet and Facebook. If you've found a product that you want to market, then you don't necessarily have to own the rights to produce it, just the privileges to distribute it. And,you might find it easier to recruit people in your down line using Facebook.

2.Use Affiliate Marketing
You can also do affiliate marketing online. This is where someone else pays you to sell their products for them. The commission you receive on the sale will depend on the affiliate offer you are prom oting.
In some cases, you can get up to 50% of the sale, if you pick the right offers. Here again, you should pick things that resonate with your profile in Facebook.
Affiliate marketing links could end up cluttering your profile page, if you included them as website links, and probably people wouldn't be grateful for them. So, affiliate marketing on Facebook can be a little tricky. You should be a little stingy with the number of affiliate links you post on your profile or within your status line. This is an area you can inform daily with new offers, but if you do it too much, you will turn off people who come to view your profile.
You should also want to start to build a demographic section of people on your email list who are already in your sales channel from your contacts on Facebook. Once they opt-in to your email list, you can start to contact them about your affiliate offers off the Facebook platform. This means that you might have to also set up some ads within Facebook to generate the cross-section of people that you want to market to. Or, you might start them
into your sales funnel by offering a free resource on your profile in exchange for their email address.This way, you've not placed affiliate offers on your profile directly, but you have gathered the necessary information to start generating a mailing list for affiliate offers.

The application to use for affiliate marketing on Facebook is called RadicalBuy.

3.Advertising Revenues
There are a number of people generating revenue through sponsored ads, Facebook Social Ads, and pay per click ads on Facebook. If you end up with a large cross-section of people
are friends that might be easy to market for a particular advertiser, then they might be willing to pay you for some sponsored ads, however, this can't be done on Facebook without violating the terms of the service agreement. So, you can still attempt to get advertising revenues from sponsored ads, but they aren't allowed to be put directly on your Facebook profile. They will have to be placed elsewhere, on your personal website, or an outside blog.
The trick is to have them pay for the ad for a period of time, like a month. Then, you have a residual monthly income coming in from a single text link, banner, or button on your other content. You can direct Facebook viewers to your other areas by way of links on your profile, even if the sponsored link is not directly on your Facebook profile.This can generate significant income from your Facebook profile in a short period of time by building relationships within Facebook first, before you market them elsewhere.

Sell Services

4. Facebook can be an excellent resource for professionals who sell services. That's because the Internet has made it very easy for people who need your services to connect with you, regardless of whether you are in their geographical location or not. Add to that the technological advancements that make online consulting and teaching very simple, and you can see that there are quite a few advantages to selling services online.
The down side of selling services, instead of products, is that your time is limited.
If you don't make good use of the technology available to help distribute yourself over multiple platforms in digital format, you could easily find your profits being limited by the amount of time you have. Some of the ways this dilemma can be resolved is to outsource the smaller tasks, so that you can concentrate on the ones that are highly profitable and need your particular attention.
You can sell many different types of services online, but they should resonate with the personel that you've established on Facebook.

5.Create a Facebook Pages
Facebook pages are similar to profiles except that they are used for businesses, organizations, and a number of different types of interests. You can expect to see a Facebook page about a restaurant just as easily as you might spot a Facebook page on pets. There are several categories to choose from: a local business, a brand or product, or an artist, band, or public figure. The interesting thing about Facebook pages is that you don't necessarily have to be the celebrity to put up a page about your celebrity.
The Facebook pages works very similar to profile pages except that they are public. They have some of the same features as your profile page like a Wall and the ability to upload files. They also have discussion groups and and a way for fans to join your Facebook page.
The service is free and promoted virally throughout Facebook and even comes up in the search results. The actions that people take on your Facebook page are also integrated in the news feed and thus your product or service can spread virally through word of mouth. If you use Facebook pages in conjunction with Social Ads, you can increase the chances of
your product getting viral momentum. To create a Fan Page, visit this

6. create a Group
There are two ways to promote your business using groups. You can join an existing group and join in the discussions and at the right moment promote your product. If you do this too much, you will be labeled a spammer, so it's not the best way to promote your business through a group.
Another way, which is very effective, is to create your own group. This provides several benefits to joining an existing group. You can control what segment of your demographics to target with a group topic and you can put up your own advertising in the group without offending anyone.
You don't want to create a group about a specific product or service you are offering. No one is going to join an obvious ploy to market your wares. Instead, you will want to choose a topic related to your products or services and then use the group to help you promote your business.
(and website hosting,Domain name registration and website design service).Hope you got the gist?
Visit this link

7.The Wall

The wall is an area of each person's profile where messages can be posted by other people who are visiting the profile. You can put any message you want on the wall and it will be public. You can use this to research the market trends of people's interests and you can also post some message about things that might interest specific people in your circle of friends. Be aware that if you spam the wall consistently with sales ads, you will probably be blocked, and if the staff of Facebook is alerted you could end up being
banned from Facebook.
An interesting way to use the power of the wall, is to look for people in your circle who have a high number of page views on their profile. These would be people who have a lot of friends or send a lot of activity to the news feeds. That's the only way to tell what type of page views they might be getting. Then, target these people for your comments on their wall in a way that pulls the people viewing back to your profile.

8.Use Facebook Marketplace Application
Facebook Marketplace, once installed, will offer you a place to list things for sale, housing, jobs, and classified ads. There is even a spot for free stuff too. The opportunities will be divided up by your networks. So, don't be surprised if you don't see everything on your Facebook from the entire site. It is set up to be a community marketplace, so it makes perfect sense to see only those listings from people in your network. That is why you want to setup your network to be the place where you mostly do business, not where you live. It is the basic area where people within Facebook go to do commerce within Facebook.
However, it doesn't complete transactions between buyers and sellers. That is done offline between the two parties.

9.Use Facebook Garage Sale Application

If you have a whole lot of stuff lying around that you want to get rid of, and don't want to incur fees for listing them on eBay or some other third-party site, you can use the Garage Sale application. There is a commission charged for any sale that you make, but it is only 5%. It will do transaction processing too and your friends can use credit cards to buy the items from you online. This application is still a bit new, however, some people swear by it and others have some trouble installing it.

10.VisaBusiness $100 free Facebook ads coupon
You can also use the VisaBusiness $100 free Facebook ads coupon to
advertise your sales page. To do that go to

sign up, complete the simple steps and you will get a $100 free advertising credit on Facebook!

11.Use Facebook Events Application

If you have some local events that you are using for marketing purposes, or
you want to connect with people specifically in your geographic zone face-
to-face, then you can check out the events page. You may find groups of people in your area who make a perfect sales demographic for your products or services.

12.Spot Yourself as a facebook marketing Expert
This brave new world of social networking is completely beyond the grasp of many marketers today. If you are really in the know about facebook,offer your services to advertising and public relations agencies,as well as big and small businesses alike. Put your knowledge
to work .Why not become facebook advertising specialist-just as Google
transformed search adverting,facebook have a profound effect on social media advertising presently.Help Companies with their Facebook Strategies

13. Use Facebook RadicalBuy Application
RadicalBuy is another marketplace application that is more robust than Facebook Marketplace. It will allow you to recommend products to people on your contact list. You can get feedback and offer feedback

14. Use Facebook Appsaholic Application
This application is for people who have created their own applications and want to monetize them. However, if you prefer to do this, you will want a way to track the performance of your application and to place ads on it so that you can get a return on your investment. This application claims to be the #1 Facebook ad network for application developers.

15.Use Facebook Business Cards Application
The idea behind the Business Cards application is similar to a conventional business card. Except instead of handing it to someone for future reference, you can attach your business card to Facebook messages. You can browse other business cards and make connections that way too. It is a sort of visual way of establishing your identity in a way that keeps you from having to keep writing the same thing over and over. This application was a bit buggy in its inception,
but appears

17.Use Facebook Introduce Me Application
Introduce Me allows people you know on Facebook to introduce you to people they know. It facilitates networking. The application is placed in the profile making it easier for people who stop by to introduce you to other people they know.

18.Use Facebook Testimonials Application
Since you are in a social networking environment, word-of-mouth from trusted sources can make the difference between a sale or a near miss. And, with this application, people can simply go to your site and add their testimonial very easily. The fact that their user name will be associated with the testimonial at times means the testimonials hold more weight on Facebook. Although this application is also still a bit buggy, it bears looking into. Right now, if people post a testimonial on your site, it may be challenging to delete it.

19.Use Facebook Ether Application
This application is good for consultants, tutors, and pay-by-the hour types of people who can do transaction over the phone. The application will provide you with a special phone number to use for your business

20 ProBook Facebook Application
This is an application that allows you to add information about yourself in a professional directory. Friend and people you've contacted can offer feedback and rate you, which will give would-be employers some measure of your worth.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 18:27


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