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How To Make Money On Addynamo Twitter Sponsored Tweets

Making Money from Addynamo Twitter Sponsored Tweets is for real. So far, I have earned over $100 from tweeting for Addynamo  

Wondering How You Can Make Money As Addynamo Twitter Publisher?

Well, it's easy. Log in to, go to My Account / Twitter to link your Twitter account to Ad Dynamo.

Whenever you receive email notification that a new campaign is waiting for your tweet, log in to your Addynamo account, draft a tweet, enter how much you want to charge for the tweet and wait for the advertiser to approves it.

Well, if the advertiser rejects your tweet after comparing the amount you charged and the number of your Twitter followers, you will not make any money and the tweet will not appear on your Twitter timeline. So, just know that the number of your Twitter followers and the amount you charge per tweet matters alot.

The two tweets that earned me money are for big companies and not some poor advertisers. I normally charge between $10 - $12 per tweet whenever I see a campaign from a big company in my Addynamo Twitter dashboard.

Atimes, I see some amendment offers in my dashboard from advertisers that want me to charge them as low as $0.5 per tweet. Whenever I see such, I click on the "decline" button to reject such tweet. Imagine, paying me less than a dollar to promote a tweet to thousands of my followers. Is that not crazy?

I Urge you All  To Join Me Make Real Cash On Addynamo Twitter Sponsored Tweets..



N/B: You Need More Twitter Followers To Charge Your Clients More, So I’m ready to teach you How To Get Thousands Of Twitter Followers in 10mins, Yes you heard me right… To Get This ‘’Twitter Followers Trick’’  Just  ‘Subscribe For My EMAIL RSS FEED CLICK HERE & LIKE MY PAGE On FACEBOOK CLICK HERE…& The Trick Would Be Delivered To Your Email Immediately after confirmation




Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 05:30


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